Tout d'un coup, il m'est devenu indifférent de ne pas être moderne


Wichita Vortex Sutra

This music is about something other than itself. One of the many important figures with whom Glass has collaborated is the late Allen Ginsberg. Glass played a recording of the poet reading his 1966 piece Wichita Vortex Sutra , and as Ginsberg’s high-intensity voice surged and ebbed, he performed a piece written specifically to partner it. Music was a backdrop full of aural associations. In that case the associations were with something specific; but in other cases they can be to whatever one’s imagination desires.


Minutos, dias

Todos os dias têm a sua história, um só minuto levaria anos a contar, o mínimo gesto, o descasque miudinho duma palavra, duma sílaba, dum som, para já não falar dos pensamentos, que é coisa de muito estofo, pensar no que se pensa, ou pensou, ou está pensando, e que pensamento é esse que pensa o outro pensamento, não acabaríamos nunca mais.

José Saramago

In Levantado do Chão, Ed. Caminho, 14.ª ed., p. 59

Saramago faleceu.

Jà sinto a sua falta.


Do I fail to understand because I cannot peer into his mind?


©Dennis Michael Jones


I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty... you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. JD Salinger


mais uma , compensa os meses em que nada do que gostariamos que acontecesse , acontece...